Welcome one and all to hash #541, which will be held a little to the south of Capital, in the city of Quilmes. Apart from enjoying great company and running off your Saturday night hangover, you will have the opportunity to learn a little of the history of the Kilme people (if you slow down enough you can see/read a mural about their journey) visit some of the attractive parks and, just maybe, smell the aroma coming from the Quilmes 'beer' factory.
The hash will be held at the normal time of 11am, with a view to getting on trail at 1130am.
What to bring: suitable clothing and footwear, plate and fork, drinking vessel, AR$25 hash fee, a like minded friend or two!!
How to get there:
We will meet on the corner of Plaza Conesa/Bicentenario (same place, optional names depending upon the map you use), where Calle Moreno and Colon cross.
By bus:
Service 22A, Starts at Hospital Ferroviario, comes along Comm. Py (Retiro) and Alem before heading toward Quilmes. This bus would drop you on the WEST side of the station in calle Gran Canaria - you would need to cross to the east side of the railway line to reach the Plaza.
Service 159 A, D & G all head off from Correo Central. You should get off just after the bus crosses the railway line, by the Agosto 14 puente, in Quilmes, in Humberto Primo or H Irigoyen.
Service 85 - Cuidadela Norte via Pompeya to Quilmes. Get off at H Irigoyen, when close to COTO supermarket.
Service 98 A & B - From Once to Quilmes. Get off at H Irigoyen, when close to COTO supermarket.
Service 278A - Banfield Station to Quilmes Station.
Service 281 - Lanus to Quilmes Station.
(also visit www.omnilineas.com.ar)
By train and subte:
Likely to be easier and quicker than by bus. From your closest Subte station, catch a train to connect with Linea C and hence to Plaza Constitucion station.
Trains run to Quilmes every 15 minutes and the journey takes 30mins. The cost is $0.90.
The stations along the way are Avellaneda - Sarandi - V.Dominico - Wilde - Don Bosco - Bernal - Quilmes.
Get off and come out of the station across the plaza in front. This road is Rivadavia and is pedestrianised (peatonal). Walk up this street 3 blocks, turn left onto Moreno and walk 4 blocks to the plaza mentioned above
It takes about 5 or 6 minutes walk from the station to the Plaza Conesa.
By Car:
Head south from Capital on Autopista 2 - Ruta La Plata until reaching the BERNAL turn off (km 17, Calle Espora). Once through the Peaje the road takes a right hand curve to bring you to a set of traffic lights - turn LEFT at these lights into Av Caseros. Continue along Caseros until you have been over two speed bumps (the first is right at the start of the road), passed two sets of traffic lights and driven 0.9km. Just after the third speed bump, take a 45 degree RIGHT turn, into Bouchard (crossing over another speed bump almost straight away) and continue 5 blocks until you reach a T junction. At the T junction (yellow painted Supermercado Brown in front of you), turn RIGHT into Av Las Heras, and continue for 2 blocks, at which point you turn LEFT into Moreno. Continue up Moreno - 8 blocks - until you reach Plaza Conesa on you left hand side. Find somewhere to park and join the rest of us.
Your hares: Pussy Galore, Peggy and Qualified Seaman
Mob: PG 15-65697802
QS 15-57624693
Bienvenido a todos al hash #541, que vamos a disfrutar en la ciudad de Quilmes. Aparte de compartir el dia en buena compania y tratando echar los efectos de todo el vino que tomaste la noche de sabado, tendras la oportunidad de aprender un poco de la historia del tribu Kilme (siempre cuando estas dispuesto andar un poco mas despacio y leer el mural!), visitar algunos de los lindos parques y, posiblamente, podrias oler el aroma que sale de la planta cervecera Quilmes.
Como es costumbre, vamos a juntarnos desde las 11, con la intencion de salir 'on trail' a las 1130.
Debes traer ropa y zapatos, plato y tenedor, una jarra, $25 y un(os) amigo(s).
Vamos a juntarnos en la esquina de Plaza Conesa/Bicentario (el mismo lugar pero conocido por ambos nombres), donde los calles Moreno y Colon se cruzen.
Como llegar:
Por omnibus:
Servicio 22A, desde Hospital Ferroviario, viene por Comm Py (Retiro) e Alem antes de seguir a Quilmes. Tendrias que bajarse desde este colectivo al otro lado del ferrocarril, en calle Gran Canaria - asi tendrias que cruzar el ferrocarril por llegar a la Plaza.
Servicios 159 A, D & G salen desde Correo Central. Debes bajarse una vez el colectivo ha cruzado el ferrocarril, por puente Agosto 14, en Humberto Primo o H Irigoyen.
Servicio 85 - Cuidadela Norte via Pompeya a Quilmes. Bajarse en H Irigoyen, cuando estas cerca del supermercado COTO.
Servicio 98 A & B - desde Once a Quilmes. Bajarse en H Irigoyen, cuando estas cerca del supermercado COTO.
Servicio 278A - Banfield estation a Quilmes estation.
Servicio 281 - Lanus a Quilmes estation.
(mas datos www.omnilineas.com.ar)
Por tren y subte:
Probablamente mas rapido y mas facil que un colectivo! Desde la estacion subte mas cercana debes tomar el subte hasta la Linea C y desde alla a la estacion Plaza de Constitucion. El subte tiene un costo de $1.10 por viaje.
Hay trenes a Quilmas cada 15 minutas y toma 30 minutas a llegar. El costo del tren es de $0.90 cada direccion.
Los estaciones en camino son Avellaneda - Sarandi - V.Dominico - Wilde - Don Bosco - Bernal - Quilmes.
No debe tomar mas de 5 o 6 minutos por caminar desde la estacion Quilmes hasta Plaza Conesa.
Por auto:
Desde Capital vas por Autopista 2 - Ruta La Plata hasta la salida BERNAL (km 17, Calle Espora). Una vez has pasado el peaje, el camino dobla un poco a la derecha hasta llegas a unos semaforos - debes doblar IZQUIERDO a estos luces y entrar Av Caseros. Sigue derecho por Caseros, hasta has pasado dos semaforos, cruzado por dos burros (el primero es justo a la entrada a Caseros) y manejado 0.9km. Justo despues de un tercero burro, debes doblar a la DERECHA, a 45 grados, cruzando otro burro y entrando calle Bouchard. Sigue derecho 5 cuadras hasta un T (hay un supermercado pintado amarillo en frente)- aqui doblas por la DERECHA y entras Av Las Heras. Despues de 2 cuadras doblas por la IZQUIERDO a calle Moreno. Sigue por Moreno - 8 cuadras - hasta llegas a Plaza Conesa por tu lado izquierdo.
Welcome to BAH3
Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Hash Trash - # 540 The San Telmo Damp Day
Sunday morning and the dark skies over Buenos Aires did not look good for the hash. But the RA has a very special Hotline to the Weather God, and by 11;30 the rain had stopped, the sun was trying hard to creep out, and the clouds were breaking up. With the forecast having been bad, and the GM being off in the campo, nobody knew who might turn up for Can't Say No's hosting in San Telmo. Well, despite the weather, almost 30 hashers braved the elements, including 4 new virgins to the BA Hash, from four seperate countries, in fact, four seperate continents! Claudia from BA (who had recently hashed in Dubai, and loved it!), Sarah from the US, On-On Stephanie from England, and Jak(!) from South Africa - And the rest of us....
Qualified Semen, Can't Say No and myself, Inspect her Assets, co-hared, and the trail set off a little late, and swiftly broke into two packs, with the front runners, including our new arrivals Claudia and Sarah, rushing off, frantically trying to ensure they were back before the rain returned. The more sedate pack of walkers took a leisurely stroll around the back street of San Telmo, heading out in the direction of La Boca, before re-joining the trail as the packs headed through parque Lezuma, taking some strange looks from the market traders as we ran through.
Inevitably for a Hash from San Telmo, we headed towards the glass and metal high-rises of Puerto Madero, with the rain having washed out some of the trail at this point, almost obliterating the Beer Stop markings, but Can't Say No was waiting with Isenbeck in hand, and a grateful pack gulped down their refreshment before the packs split, allowing those who like the longer run to run deeper towards the river, while the second group (We call them wimps, but they are a nice bunch really!), headed along the Puerto Madero docks, enjoying the water and the views, before crossing the Calatrava designed Bridge of the Mujers (see - spanish and english altogether!), and heading back towards the city.
The Front Runners were accused of a bit of racing, with Tit Climber seen sprinting with our American virgin, and they made record time, despite stopping to try and get some jobs as extra in a movie scene being shot in the Capital, with Diagonal Norte having been turned into New York Chinatown, even with a Yellow Cab driving the street. Having failed in their fledgling acting careers, they headed back towards home, as the wimps were enjoying the Balcarce scene, and before anyone knew it, the packs were back together again at Plaza Eva Peron, and the Hash had come to an end.
As the RA had only arranged for the weather to stay clement until 1:30, the circle was conducted in double time, with only enough time to congratulate the hares on a wonderful trail, say hello to the virgins,(all single!), and admonish the racists for running fast!, before the rain started to reappear, along with Tonguey Lingus who had delivered the empenandas, and we retired to Can't Say No's apartment for more beer, and delicious food - A fitting end to a good days hash.
Qualified Semen, Can't Say No and myself, Inspect her Assets, co-hared, and the trail set off a little late, and swiftly broke into two packs, with the front runners, including our new arrivals Claudia and Sarah, rushing off, frantically trying to ensure they were back before the rain returned. The more sedate pack of walkers took a leisurely stroll around the back street of San Telmo, heading out in the direction of La Boca, before re-joining the trail as the packs headed through parque Lezuma, taking some strange looks from the market traders as we ran through.
Inevitably for a Hash from San Telmo, we headed towards the glass and metal high-rises of Puerto Madero, with the rain having washed out some of the trail at this point, almost obliterating the Beer Stop markings, but Can't Say No was waiting with Isenbeck in hand, and a grateful pack gulped down their refreshment before the packs split, allowing those who like the longer run to run deeper towards the river, while the second group (We call them wimps, but they are a nice bunch really!), headed along the Puerto Madero docks, enjoying the water and the views, before crossing the Calatrava designed Bridge of the Mujers (see - spanish and english altogether!), and heading back towards the city.
The Front Runners were accused of a bit of racing, with Tit Climber seen sprinting with our American virgin, and they made record time, despite stopping to try and get some jobs as extra in a movie scene being shot in the Capital, with Diagonal Norte having been turned into New York Chinatown, even with a Yellow Cab driving the street. Having failed in their fledgling acting careers, they headed back towards home, as the wimps were enjoying the Balcarce scene, and before anyone knew it, the packs were back together again at Plaza Eva Peron, and the Hash had come to an end.
As the RA had only arranged for the weather to stay clement until 1:30, the circle was conducted in double time, with only enough time to congratulate the hares on a wonderful trail, say hello to the virgins,(all single!), and admonish the racists for running fast!, before the rain started to reappear, along with Tonguey Lingus who had delivered the empenandas, and we retired to Can't Say No's apartment for more beer, and delicious food - A fitting end to a good days hash.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Next Hash #540 Sunday May 22nd
Here are the full details for this weeks hash, number 540, and in the wonderful barrio of San Telmo. Can't Say No has kindly offered to host, along with co-hares IHA and Qualified Semen, and a great day out is planned for all to enjoy, so come along, join in, what better way to spend a Sunday is there to be had in Buenos Aires? (Answers on a postcard to......)........
DATE: May 22nd.
TIME: 11 hs AM for 11:30 AM Start
PLACE: Can't Say No's Apartment in San Telmo
Defensa 889, Apartment 2B, Capital Federal
Link - MAP
HARES - Can't say No, Inspect her Assets & Qualified Semen
HOW TO COME - Defensa is easy to get to, as it's in the heart of San Telmo, within ease of walking from the Subte's that converge on the city centre, and for those coming by car, there are plenty of Estacionamentes to park in around the area. One word of warning, Sunday sees a street market on Defensa, right outside the front door of the Apartment, so you can't actually drive up the street - But that all creates a great buzz around the place.
WHAT TO BRING: Shorts, running shoes, plate, cutlery, mug, Hash fee - AR$25 - Other hashers....
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Dogs, germs, problems.......
On On - Inspect Her Assets
DATE: May 22nd.
TIME: 11 hs AM for 11:30 AM Start
PLACE: Can't Say No's Apartment in San Telmo
Defensa 889, Apartment 2B, Capital Federal
Link - MAP
HARES - Can't say No, Inspect her Assets & Qualified Semen
HOW TO COME - Defensa is easy to get to, as it's in the heart of San Telmo, within ease of walking from the Subte's that converge on the city centre, and for those coming by car, there are plenty of Estacionamentes to park in around the area. One word of warning, Sunday sees a street market on Defensa, right outside the front door of the Apartment, so you can't actually drive up the street - But that all creates a great buzz around the place.
WHAT TO BRING: Shorts, running shoes, plate, cutlery, mug, Hash fee - AR$25 - Other hashers....
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Dogs, germs, problems.......
On On - Inspect Her Assets
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Hash Trash - # 539 Sunday May 8th
Unfortunately due to a number of the regular Hashers being unavailable, and with the Hash being out in the country, Sundays Hash was thinly attended, but the Hares Green Card and Dun Dun did a marvelous job in creating a wonderful day out for those that made it.
The place was wonderful, the perfect day, the roast afterwards more than rich, a long run, through beautiful scenery, riding stables with Arabian horses, trees with different autumnal colours, or for our North Americans, Fall Colors! The quality of the running was matched by the location, and for those who were able to make it, a memorable day.
The place was wonderful, the perfect day, the roast afterwards more than rich, a long run, through beautiful scenery, riding stables with Arabian horses, trees with different autumnal colours, or for our North Americans, Fall Colors! The quality of the running was matched by the location, and for those who were able to make it, a memorable day.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Next Hash #539 - Sunday 8th May 2011
Details for this Sundays Hash
The next Hash is out of the city, with a trip required to get there, but well worth it when you do. Here are the details, which I hope we can expand on before Sunday (Help!). Start time is the usual 11.30 a.m time, so get up early and head out for a great day away from the City.
Place: Nati’s House
El Remanso, Exaltación de la Cruz
What TO Bring - Yourself, Hash Fee of AR$25, mug, plate, cutlery
Que NO llevar/What NOT to bring: DOGS or any animals
Como llegar/ How to come:
En auto / By car (aproximadamente 40 minutos de viaje desde Capital Federal) (aproximately 40 minutes from Down Town)
· Tomar Autopista Panamericana. Cuando se divide en dos (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 aproximadamente) , tomar a la izquierda (ramal PILAR, RUTA 8). Take PANAMERICANA HIGHWAY , and when it splits into two highways (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 approximately) , take at the left (ramal PILAR, RUTA 8).
· Seguir por esta autopista en dirección a PILAR. En el Km 74 bajar la velocidad y buscar el CORRALÓN BACIGALUPPI Hnos a la derecha, salir a la izquierda cruzando la ruta. Keep this way towards PILAR, At Km 74 down the speed until you find CORRALÓN BACIGALUPPI Hnos on your right, take the Exit at your left crossing the route.
· Siga la calle por unos 300 metros hasta encontrar la casa gris. Follow the street 300 meters until you find the grey house.
En BUS / by BUS
Hay dos charters: “Trébol Express” TE:4774- 5633 http://www.trebolex press.com. ar/home.html o “Boomerang” TE 02322 491360 http://www.cosefa. com.ar/boomerang /servicios. htm . Reservar tickets. Parada en el Km 74,5 de ruta 8.
There are two charters: “Trébol Express” http://www.trebolex press.com. ar/home.html or “Boomerang” http://www.cosefa. com.ar/boomerang /servicios. htm . Take your tickets in advance. Bus stop at Km 74,5 Ruta 8. Follow the instructions from here.
Omnibus 57 en plaza Italia hasta PILAR. Bajar en Pilar y tomar un remis siguiendo las instrucciones. Omnibus 57 from Plaza Italia to PILAR, Go down at PILAR exit, and take a REMIS following the instructions above.
Si te perdiste llama al 15 6016-3854 Nat
If you are lost call 15 6016-3854 Nat
The next Hash is out of the city, with a trip required to get there, but well worth it when you do. Here are the details, which I hope we can expand on before Sunday (Help!). Start time is the usual 11.30 a.m time, so get up early and head out for a great day away from the City.
Place: Nati’s House
El Remanso, Exaltación de la Cruz
What TO Bring - Yourself, Hash Fee of AR$25, mug, plate, cutlery
Que NO llevar/What NOT to bring: DOGS or any animals
Como llegar/ How to come:
En auto / By car (aproximadamente 40 minutos de viaje desde Capital Federal) (aproximately 40 minutes from Down Town)
· Tomar Autopista Panamericana. Cuando se divide en dos (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 aproximadamente) , tomar a la izquierda (ramal PILAR, RUTA 8). Take PANAMERICANA HIGHWAY , and when it splits into two highways (RUTA 8 PILAR -RUTA 9 CAMPANA - km 30 approximately) , take at the left (ramal PILAR, RUTA 8).
· Seguir por esta autopista en dirección a PILAR. En el Km 74 bajar la velocidad y buscar el CORRALÓN BACIGALUPPI Hnos a la derecha, salir a la izquierda cruzando la ruta. Keep this way towards PILAR, At Km 74 down the speed until you find CORRALÓN BACIGALUPPI Hnos on your right, take the Exit at your left crossing the route.
· Siga la calle por unos 300 metros hasta encontrar la casa gris. Follow the street 300 meters until you find the grey house.
En BUS / by BUS
Hay dos charters: “Trébol Express” TE:4774- 5633 http://www.trebolex press.com. ar/home.html o “Boomerang” TE 02322 491360 http://www.cosefa. com.ar/boomerang /servicios. htm . Reservar tickets. Parada en el Km 74,5 de ruta 8.
There are two charters: “Trébol Express” http://www.trebolex press.com. ar/home.html or “Boomerang” http://www.cosefa. com.ar/boomerang /servicios. htm . Take your tickets in advance. Bus stop at Km 74,5 Ruta 8. Follow the instructions from here.
Omnibus 57 en plaza Italia hasta PILAR. Bajar en Pilar y tomar un remis siguiendo las instrucciones. Omnibus 57 from Plaza Italia to PILAR, Go down at PILAR exit, and take a REMIS following the instructions above.
Si te perdiste llama al 15 6016-3854 Nat
If you are lost call 15 6016-3854 Nat
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