Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Hash Trash from Avellaneda - The Chorizo Hash

Yep, we were back in the south this weekend, with the Third Anal Avellaneda Hash hosted by the RA and the Hash cook, Tongue y Lingus. Given my bad back, I was unable to lay much trail, (two blobs I think!), and so, Viagra Spices, visiting us once again from New York, (or Florida, or Philadelphia!), kindly offered his assistance, and a wonderful trail was laid around streets that he had no idea where they went to!! (Despite great instructions!).

As the Hashers arrived, the hare had still not returned. A text message from Just Cristina(Not THAT one!)announced she was arriving (late), and the GM decided to delay the start until 12, in the hope that the hare would return. (This also allowed the GM and one or two others to imbibe some Whisky Flavoured Alcohol to warm them up before the run!) He didn't return, so, trail instructions were given, and it seemed we had a live hare for this run - or, very possibly a dead hare lying in a ditch somewhere having taken a wrong turning along the way. Thankfully that wasn't the case, and off the Hashers went, with a unique Macho/Wimp split at the start. Five minutes later the Wimps were back, as they had found a cunning False Trail mark, intended for the Machos, but they were sent packing with instructions, and the Beer Stop Crew set off some ten minutes later, just as the Hare returned.

Unfortunately, due to the pack taking a wrong turn somewhere along the way, the Beer Stop wasn't reached by the pack, and a phone call advised those of us at the Beer Stop that the first Hashers had returned home. So, quickly packing up the beer, we all returned, and, thankfully everyone returned safely.

The circle took place on the roof terrace,(posh name), with the GM enthralling everyone with his down downs for the returnees, and as the beer flowed, notably on the floor following some Beer Crimes from Viagra Spices, the songs were screamed out, with the GM and Doon Doon, finally understanding the words of Number 17, soon to replace, "What a Wank" as their favourite. The final act of the day was the naming of Just Gonzalo, who has hardly missed a hash since his virginity was lost, and given his amicable nature, and Just Brenda informing us about his attention to detail, the name that sprung to many a mind was Anal Friendly, and so he was baptised!

Once the circle was complete, and the Hash had been sent away in pieces, the throng moved downstairs for the highlight of the day (more beer? - NO!),the Chorizo a la Portuguesa (or something like that!), the dish of the day, cooked up by Tongue y Lingus. Although it was a beautiful sunny day (As usual, thanks to the RA), there was a chill in the air, and the Chorizo certainly hit the spot with one and all.

Another great Hash was completed. It may have been a little shorter than anticipated, but given the Hare was from New York, it still was entertaining, sidling past El Tano Parilla along the way, which no doubt helped to get the taste buds going before the Chorizo later. The beer flowed, the circle managed to catch many a Hasher, and once again, everyone went home with a smile on their face. And the whisky bottle was empty!

ON ON to the next Hash on the 12th August, where Wire Me Baby will be hareing!

And here are the pictures from Sunday, as collated from the various Hash Flashers :)

#574 Avellaneda

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

This Weeks Hash - Sunday July 29th # 574

NEXT HASH DETAILS _ SUNDAY July 29th - 11:00 for 11:30

Winter is upon us, but never fear the hash goes on, and Tongue y Lingus is cooking up a warming feast for after this weeks Hash, coupled with beer, what better way to spend a Sunday.. Your RA and Tongue y Lingus will be hosting the Hash from their place in Avellaneda. Before you all start getting your maps and Guia T's out - it's really easy to get to, and those that came to the last couple of annual Avellaneda Hashes across the river, know that they can look forward to decent run, and wonderful food from Chef Tonguey! As a special treat, given my back is still far from fully operational, we have a guest Hare - Viagra Spices from New York will be setting the main part of the trail, so it should be an interesting run in an area that many of you will nor know (including the Hare!) - always fun on a Hash....

So here are the details:

Sunday 29th July 2012 - 11:00am for 11:30....

Hares: Viagra Spices, Inspect her Assets and Tongue y Lingus

Location: Solier 2585, Avellaneda, Buenos Aires.

Directions: It's about a 15 minute driver from 9 de Julio in the centre of the Capital, and a very straight road

View Larger Map

By bus: It's even easier by Collectivo - The Number 24 bus, which runs from Villa del Parque, across town, with stops near Plaza de Mayo (On Roque Saenz Pena {Diagonal Norte}, just down from the Cathedral, and very near all the subte stations that converge on Plaza de Mayo), and the journey takes around 25 minutes from Plaza de Mayo on a Sunday morning. You need to get off in Avellaneda, on Av. Belgrano at the corner of O'Higgins (best to ask the driver). From the bus stop, walk up O'Higgins, two blocks, turn left onto Solier, and the house is across the street.

What to bring: Hash t-shirt, knife and fork, plate or bowl, beer mug and your Hash Fee of $30

ON ON - Inspect Her Assets

Any problems, call me on 15 5809 4939

Thursday, 12 July 2012



After the short break of the 9 de Julio Holiday, we are back with a bang this Sunday with what's promised to be another great Hash, headed up by Just Gonzalo and his team, in Nunez. Whilst this is a familiar area to the Hash, with the GM living close by, we are promised a new slant on the run by our hares, so what better way to brush away the winter blues, drag yourself away from reading 50 Shades of Grey, lace up your runners, and head out with the best Drinking Club with a Running Problem there is!

WHAT: Hash # 573

WHEN: Sunday, July 15th, 2012 @ 11:00 am with a prompt start (5 minutes late @ 11:30 am

HARES: Just Gonzalo, Soft Dick & You're Fired

WHERE: Crisologo Laralde 2627 - 1A - Nunez


View Larger Map

GETTING THERE: Subte Line D to Congreso de Tucuman. It's a 9 block walk up Cabildo, check the map above. It's just off one of the main bus roads in BA, Cabildo, and many buses head along here, 152, 59 & 68, all depending where yu are coming from.

WHAT TO BRING: Hash Shirt, Plate, Hash Mug, Hash Fee of AR$30, An appetite, and a Friend!

NOTE: The apartment security are expecting us, any problems ask for Gonzalo Luchinetti.

On On - Inspect Her Assets

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Next Hash...


As this coming weekend is a Major Holiday here in Argentina, we are not holding a Hash, so the Next Event will be Number 573 on Sunday July 15th, with full details available early next week.

Inspect Her Assets