Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Monday, 30 December 2013

Hashy New Year #614 - SATURDAY - Jan 4th


Happy Hashy New Year to all Harriers and Harriettes!
Due to the heat wave, we'll be running later in the day, when hopefully it'll be a little cooler. Join us on our tour of beautiful mansions, Cristina's place (great place for a beer stop), yacht clubs and sunset by the river. On on!

SATURDAY 4th January
Meet at 17.30, to run at 18.00
(We want to be back for sunset, so please be prompt!)

On grass near Bar Costa Solis, Urquiza and Solis, Vicente Lopez

Bus: The 21, 29, 161 and 168 all pass nearby.
Train: Mitre (Tigre) train, get off at Vicente Lopez station and walk.
Car: Lots of street parking, or large area of grass off Solis.

Meeting point - directions from Vicente Lopez train station:
If coming from Capital, cross over the footbridge to Libertador. Turn left. Walk two blocks to Urquiza. Turn right and head towards river. Solis is two blocks on your right.


The $20 is just for beer. No food is included.
If anyone wants to stay and enjoy the river a little longer, food (and more beer) is available at Bar Costa Solis or one of the nearby snack shacks.

What to bring:
Hash cash, Hash Gear, Hash drinking vessel and a smile.

Chorizo Lover: 11 4401 2506
Cheap Lice: 11 3183 5331
Smells like Fish: 11 3760 4496
Blanca Wanka: 11 2193 2262

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Hashy Christmas Hash #613 - Sunday 22nd December 2013

Yes, the year is drawing to an end and the Holiday Season is amongst us. Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, the snow is all around, and jack frost is nipping at your nose. Well, I guess it may be somewhere, but certainly not in Buenos Aires this December, as air conditioning units overload, and the National Grid can't cope. So to make it all up to you, our esteemed leader Footsie, and his beloved wife Party Pants are inviting you all to enjoy the Christmas Hashpitality at their Nunez Palace this coming Sunday, for the Hashy Christmas Hash. Lots of down downs, and the usual feast cooked up by Footsie, with the welcome addition of the pool to jump into after the run. So get your Christmas hash gear (tinsel and baubles), and cool down by drinking beer and eating cooked meats (and lettuce).

HASH # 613

HASH FEE Adults 60$ Children 20$

DATE SUNDAY December 22, 2013

TIME 16Hs (Thats 4pm for those not in the US Army)

PLACE Footsie´s and Party Pant´s home Arias 2040 – Nuñez - Capital

HOW TO CUM Rivadavia station. By train from Retiro or Tigre. 3 blocks away from Gral. Paz, 3 blocks from Av. Libertador, 3 blocks from Cabildo 4400
Many buses like 60, 152, 68, 59, 161, 39
Also bus 130 with red sign (Munro) to Arcos. 1 block away from home

WHAT TO BRING Shorts, running shoes, mug, towels. tinsel, cum decorated for the festering season

HARES Footsie and Party Pants

On On
Inspect Her Assets - Wishing everyone a Very Hashy Xmas

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Hash # 612 The Chacabuco Choo Choo Hash - Weekend 7/8 December 2013

Hi Folks !

Chacabuco Hash is coming soon. 7 & 8 th Dec to enjoy a beer or two on a country side.

A whole week end, starting Saturday afternoon 16 hs to start 16.30 hs.
A sort of available hotels in the neighborhood to rest for a little on Sat eve
If you want a 2nd run on Sunday morning, 10 hs to start 10.30 hs

How get there :

National Route 7, km 201, on right at the advertising of “Las Moras “, 200 mts, the house on the right. It takes 2 hs 30 min or so from BA.
At the km 200 you´ll cross “Cucha Cucha”, slow down, a curve on right and that’s it! If you reach an YPF gas station go out and return 200 mts

Whose want to get the hotel first, continuous 3 km to Chacabuco main gate, turn on left and then another 5 km to the downtown.

Contact Phones :

Cristian Mobile +5423 5252 3592
Claudia Mobile +5411 3487 8797
House pone 02352 427575

Hash Fee :

Each one $ 60, kids $ 20

Important notice : For your care please advise your attendance in advance

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Hash #611 - Sunday 24th November - The Guaranteed No Earthquake Hash!

This week’s hash returns to green and nature “on the hill of the ass” –if you allow me the vulgar translation-. It will be in Canning, a small town which is part of Ezeiza and is characterized by a large number of casa quintas surrounded by lots of shopping malls….

To be honest, there is not much to say about Canning. According to lazy Wikipedia the highlight is that has low seismicity and that the last seismic event occurred 125 years ago and had an estimated magnitude of 5 points on the Richter scale.
Anyway, fresh air and absence of earthquakes are guaranteed.

WHEN: Sunday 24th November, 11 for 11:30 start(ish)

WHERE: Las Toscas Shopping Mall, Canning... (or very close to it - Headhunter will advise)

WHAT TO WEAR: As it's now much nicer weather, Hash Attire should be worn, and harriettes should be bareing legs by now!


By car: Take either General Paz or Autopista 25 de Mayo and then Autopista Ricchieri. When you arrive at AFA predio –km 26-, make a loop and take Autopista Ezeiza – Cañuelas direction Cañuelas. Exit at kilometer 32 and pass the toll. Continue for about 1.000 meters till the roundabout of Routes 52/58. Turn left and take Avenida Mariano Castex (Route 52). Follow for around 600-800 meters till Las Toscas Shopping Mall, where you can park.

By Train/Bus: Take Roca train (Ezeiza signal) at Plaza Constitución. You can get off the train either at Monte Grande or El Jagüel or Ezeiza. From any of these three points you can take a remis for about 30/35 pesos to Las Toscas, in Canning.
If you won’t take a remis, you can take Bus 394 (#2 por Lacarra) or Bus 501 (#9) at Jagüel till Las Toscas. Or Bus 518 (por Lacarra) at Ezeiza till Las Toscas. Or Bus 51 (Canning) at Plaza de Monte Grande till ¡Las Toscas! -this one passes each hour-.

By combi: You can take Combi La Medalla at the Centro de Transferencia located at Carlos Pellegrini between Sarmiento and Tte General Perón. Leaves every hour and takes around one hour to arrive to Las Toscas, so take the one leaving at 10.00. You should call first to make a reservation at 4232-7626 / 4389-3508 / 4389-4046 / 154-992-7170 / 0810-333-6919. It costs 40 pesos.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please, check on Thursday evening / Friday morning, when I will confirm you if modality will be FI (Food Included, cost 40 pesos) or GAL (Get a Life, cost 20 pesos and then we choose a parrilla or fast food place to have lunch). I will also let you know then the exact meeting point as may be we will start just 100 meters from Las Toscas. It will more likely be the simple 20 pesos for the beer and then off to a local parilla where you can eat as much, or as little, as you like,

HARES: Headhunter (Silvina: 154.179.8553).

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The San Pedro (FR)Hash #610 - This weekend 8/9/10 November 2013

Friday/Saturday/Sunday - November 8/9/10 - 2013 - Hash #610 - The San Pedro Frash....

OK - Everyone enjoyed the Halloween Hash last Saturday, and this week, as a special treat, Hashing and Frinking come together to make the San Pedro Frash Weekend, up in the delightful city of San Pedro (OK, it's more like a big village, but very nice).

Yes folks, the fun starts on Friday night, up in San Pedro, with Frinks getting everyone in the right mood for the weekend, but it's Saturday afternoon that will see the first ever hash up in San Pedro. Many of you have already been informed about the weekend, thanks to good advance notice, but just in case you missed the details, here they are...


Howard (Forest Drunk), is hosting the event, and he has sorted out accommodation for everyone. Here are the details in Spanish, as written by Forest, for your delight.... The run on Saturday is kicking off at 3pm, so be there or miss out on a great weekend.

como llegar al frash en auto..mi cell es 1551641006
como llegar,salir la ruta 9 a mas o menos km 154 ,cartel San Pedro/Rio Tala,sigue todo derecho hasta un gran cartel amarilla que dice "bienvenido a san pedro",doblas a la derecha por 1km y el Club Los Andes es por la izqierda,preguntar para la casa de la flia Maldonado .ok?y despues nos vamos a tu depto,,todos saben el club,es muy conocido

What to take..your towel,single bedsheet and pillow slip.OFF(mozzies)hash kit...plate etc....there are many amenities closeby and a canteen onsite ..we are staying in 2 houses in Club Los Andes and 3 apartments 5 minutes away,any more questions fire away;)

Friday night, try and get up early and H will take you frinking....

For further details, contact Forest as above.... have a great weekend everyone :) ON ON

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Piccies from the Halloween Hash #609

Yes, the scariest thing to come out of Buenos Aires since Christina flew to Vietnam on Tango One - It's the Halloween Hash Photo ALbum - Be afraid - Be VERY afraid....

Inspect Her Assets

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

This Weeks Hash #609 - Halloween Hash 13 - SATURDAY - 2nd November, 2013

SATURDAY November 2nd, 2013

Witches, Warlocks, Ghouls and Gremlins - It's your time of the year - Yes, the Halloween Hash

This weekend, on Saturday afternoon, we are all invited to the Halloween Hash, up at Doon Doon & Bad Fly's home in Laguna del Sol. It is a little tricky to get there, but car sharing, and a little intuition and all should get there. Don't forget to wear your most horrific outfits, and be ready to be scared!

Please note that this weeks Halloween Hash is on Saturday, just like last year, starting at 4pm for 4:30 off, so no excuses accepted of being unable to get up in time - Yep, even YOU!!!

DATE SATURDAY November 2nd

TIME 16 Hs or 4pm to those of us who wern't in the army! We'll be running at 4:30 - But don't be late or you'll turn into a Pumpkin!

PLACE Laguna del Sol lote 650 Gral. Pacheco

HOW TO COME En Castellano....Tomar la ruta Panamericana salir en el km 23,5 Camino del Buen Ayre Nordelta. Pasar el peaje y seguir hacia tu derecha dirección Nordelta Bancalari. Pasar frente al Walmart a tu derecha. Siguen hasta la rotonda y toman derecho dirección Nordelta. No cruzar las vías!!!
En la dirección a Nordelta y pasando el Colegio Pilgrims tendrán la entrada a Laguna del Sol a tu derecha. Ok?

WHAT TO BRING Shorts, running shoes, plate, cutlery, mug, Scary Fancy Dress....

HASH FEE AR$50, Children AR$20

Esta terminantemente prohibido venir sin tu Fancy Dress!!!!
Esas caritas de siempre... Arrugadas, narigonas, llenas de verrugas... Siiiiii.....!!!
Que miedo tengo....! De que vengan las chicas y sus amigas!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!
Don't forget! No se pierdan este sábado de terror! De ultima!

reparense para lo peorrrrr!!!!!!! Viene Manoj!!!!!! AAAAaaaahhhhh!!!!!
El GM Footsie con su cara de siempre....!!!!!! OOOOoooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Y más personajes...!!!!

Nuestro RA nos promete una tarde hermosamente espantosa, así que vengan a disfrutar de los truenos y relámpagos que caerán. Mucha lluvia y tormentas se avecinan....

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Hash #608, SATURDAY 19th October 2013, The Palermo just-for-a-change Pre-Mother's Day Hash


Welcome to SATURDAY'S Hash!

Yes, this week we are heading out on Saturday afternoon so that the Argentines among us can spend the Sunday spoiling their mums.  So prepare yourself for a SATURDAY afternoon of hashing amongst the tree-lined boulevards of Palermo's parks and ending up at the newest of the Temple Bars in the heart of Soho for food for those who want.  So put away any jaded thoughts or your hashed-there-seen-that attitude, and…. ON ON


Sí, leíste bien! Esta semana salimos el sábado por la tarde para que los argentinos entre nosotros puedan pasar el domingo con sus mamis.  Así que preparate por un sábado de hashing entre las avenidas arboladas de los parques de Palermo que termina en el nuevo Temple Bar al corazón de Palermo Soho. Ahí, los que quieren comer, pueden.  Así que para de pensar que ya hemos hecho hashes suficientes en Palermo y…. ON ON


Now … ON ON to the more important info:

WHEN: Saturday 19 October - 16:00 for 16:30 start

HARES: Just Tina, the Excavator, Anal Friendly and Chorizo Lover

WHERE:  Armenia 1900, on the corner of Nicaragua, Palermo. On the corner of the Plaza there

WHAT TO BRING: Beer Mug, Hash fee of AR$20, Suncream/ hat for those of a burning disposition


Ver mapa más grande
BY CAR: It's on Armenia/Nicaragua in Palermo - Google is your friend.! Anyway, if you are coming by car, then get to Santa Fe, and using the wonderful one way system in Palermo, and the map above, you should be able to find it with ease. There are plenty of buses that use Santa Fe as well, heading to Plaza Italia, again, if you arrive there, check the map, it's only a short walk.

BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The Subte Line D is your best bet (if it's working) by Public Transport, with Scalabrini Ortiz Station being your target. One up into daylight. you are on Av. Santa Fe. Walk 2 blocks on Santa Fe, in the direction the train was going if you coming from the city, and turn onto Armenia. Walk down Armenia, crossing Guemes first, and 5 blocks brings you directly to the corner of Nicaragua.

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:

Mary/ Chorizo Lover: 11 4401-2506
Grisel/ The Excavator: 11 6168-9501
Just Tina - 11 2053-1923

Please note, this is a A-B hash. The route won't be going back past the start point, although they are fairly close to each other.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Hash #607 - Sunday October 6th 2013 - The Hopelessly Devoted To You Hash!


Welcome to the Devoto Hash!

Wikipedia describes Villa Devoto as a ‘middle to upscale neighbourhood, characterised by quiet tree-lined streets, often considered as The garden of Buenos Aires’. How lovely! This Sunday, thanks to the BAHHH, the barrio will be a little less quiet!

We will see the homes of Maradona’s family members, and one of the locations used for the filming of the ‘Highlander’ movie. There will be beer stops! (Hopefully with beer!) After the Hash we will eat in the Plaza, so sun, please shine mucho!

Now … ON ON to the more important info:

WHEN: Sunday 6th October – 11:00 for 11:30 am

HARES: Blanca Wanka, Cheap Lice, Va Gina, Hard Rock and Just Eduardo

WHERE: Plaza General Pablo Ricchieri, Corner of Avenida Francisco Beiro and Desaguadero, Villa Devoto
(It is the Plaza in front of the Devoto Shopping Centre).

WHAT TO BRING: Beer Mug, Hash fee of AR$40


BY CAR: Close to Av. General Paz – look at a map!

BY BUS: The 25, 80, 85, 107, 108 and 146 all pass very close to the Plaza. See the link below:

BY TRAIN: From downtown, take the San Martín train from Retiro, Palermo etc. to Devoto. See the link below:
Get off at Devoto station, turn left onto Fernandez de Enciso, and walk for about 3 blocks, until you reach Avenida Francisco Beiro. Turn right onto this road, and walk for another 4 blocks. The Plaza will be on your left.

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:
Cheap Lice: 15-3183-5331
Blanca Wanka: 11-2193-2262
Va Gina: 15-6925-4210
Hard Rock: 15-6692-9270
Just Eduardo: 11-5386-8478

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Hash #606 - Spring is in the Air - Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Yes, Spring is about to arrive, so put away your winter clothes, break out the shorts, although checking the weather forecast it looks like you may still need a layer or two this weekend, so be prepared.

AL lot of meticulous planning has gone into this Sundays's Hash, with Just Marcelo hosting for the very first time, and he has planned out the details of the trail to the last inch, but somehow he forgot to tell us where the trail was starting from, which made it a little hard to get the new s out. But thankfully, to be ably assisted by Forest Drunk, Naughty Nicky, and a visiting Hasher from Lima in Peru, Flash Fonzi, all is now ready, and a wonderful day in the Spring Air is ready to be enjoyed.

WHEN: Sunday, 22nd September, 2013 - 11:00am for 11:30 start

HARES: Just Marcelo, Naughty Nicky, Forest Drunk, and Flash Fonzi

WHERE: Plaza Vienni, Mitre.300 y Laprida,(there's a gas station in front..), Villa Martelli(Vicente Lopez), Buenos Aires.
It's very close to General Paz, if that helps.....

WHAT TO BRING: Hash Gear, Beer Mug, Hash Fee of AR$20 - Food will be available after the run at La Ochava, a local eatery, with special prices for Hashers, such as Sanguche Vacío $25, Sanguche Bondiola $28, Choripan $15, Milanesa $25, Morcipán $15, Pollo deshuesado $25. SO bring additional funds for a nibble.

HOW TO GET THERE: Still working on this one, if anyone has any great ways please let us know - It is right by General Paz, so if you're coming by car, it should be easy.

CONTACTS: Forest Drunk (Howard), ... TBA

Should be fun :)

Inspect Her Assets(Back at Inspecting Assets for the Revenue Commissioners on Monday morning!)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Yes, check you diaries, clear the decks, and get ready for a Frashing Weekend in San Pedro (Ed's Note Where the flip is that?), at the holiday home of Forest Drunk who has offered to look after the degenerates of the BA Hash. For those of you that don't know where San Pedro is, here is a link SAN PEDRO.

The plans are for a weekend, starting with Frinking in San Pedro on Friday the 8th, followed by a Hash for All on Saturday(9th) at 2.30 for 3 start, followed by asado and entertainment, which rumour has, that a famous Boy Band from the 70's will be making an appearance - Either that or Karaoke! Sunday morning will allow heads to clear, and those that want to can run along the lovely river to take the air, or reach for the Alks Seltzer more like..

Now, much as Howard's Estancia is massive - he cannot accomodate the hordes from the Hash in their entirety, but he has negotiated a special deal with his next door neighbour, to rent their house for the weekend. Obviously this will bear a cost, and teh fairest way to deal with this is to split the cost between everyone, those staying at Howard's and those next door. With the accomodation, asado and beer, we estimate a total cost of no more than 200 pesos per head. This will depend on the numbers attending.

Obviously getting there may be a question youa re asking. Well, obviously those travelling by car may like to offer lifts to their friends, or even fellow hashers, but gailing that, there is an excellent bus service from Retiro, and Howard has offered to collect people from the bus station - BUS DETAILS HERE

It is vitally important, in order to keep the costs down, and ensure there is enough beer for all. that we know who is coming in advance. To this, Howard (Forest Drunk) is the man to tell. He can be contacted by Facebook, or by email, or at any of the Hashes in the next month - BUT, don't forget to BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment !!!!!!!

Monday, 9 September 2013

Racism within the Hash

Yes, I am afraid I have to report the most heinous of crimes by Hashers from the BA Hash House Harriers. As we all know, the one thing that we cannot accept within Hashing circles, is Racism. This Sunday past, not only did we find out that some Hashers were involved in a Competitive Race, the Buenos Aires Half Marathon, but it was a Hash Day too!!!!

My spies were out and about, and we have the photographic evidence to prove that WIndy Culo, Pinky Laid, Just Michael (about time he got a name me thinks!), Online Pussy, and most incredulously, our RA, Drill My Hole, were spotted wearing Orange and running around the City in a foot race of some sort. Obviously many down downs will ensue upon their return to the fold, although it is worth noting that at least the RA managed to complete the Race and then dash over to Ciudad Evita and take some part in the Hash - as any self respecting RA should do of course :) - He was the only one I hear!

Whilst not quite as heinous a crime, yours truly (Inspect Her Assets), was actually noted as racing on Saturday, albeit a few thousand miles away from BA (Ed's Note - No excuse for missing Sunday's Hash), but he was also seen spending the rest of Saturday in the pub drinking beer, so made up in part!

On a "slightly" more serious note, congrats to the 5 Racists from Sunday, with some very respectable times run by all, especially the FRB's, who clocked under 1 hour 30 minutes, and OnLine Pussy who set a PR. And the even better news was that Windy Culo didn't need to be Medivacd off the course this time.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Hash #605 - The Evita Hash - Sunday September 8th, 2013

Spring is just around the corner, and after the joys of the Bollywood Hash last time around, it's a trip out of the city to Ciudad Evita, where Headhunter and her co-hare Just Miguel have promised a delightful hash away from the hurly-burly of Capital Federal.

As some of you might know, urbanistically speaking Ciudad Evita was designed according to Evita’s head. It means that from the air you can see the drawing of her head -not very useful information, as hashers still don’t fly-. Just in case you are interested, we will be basically running on Evita’s neck and larynx, but mostly on her mythical pad… Hence the Evita Hash....

When: Sunday September 8th, 11am to start running 11.30

Where: Autopista Ricchieri, km 20, salida El Mangrullo, Ciudad Evita. We will meet in front of estación de servicio Shell.

How to get there:

By car,

Take General Paz if you are coming from Zona Norte-Belgrano, and then take Autopista Ricchieri till exit km 20, SALIDA EL MANGRULLO. From downtown take Autopista 25 de mayo and it’s continuation Autopista Ricchieri, exit at km 20, SALIDA EL MANGRULLO.

By bus:

If you are coming from Zona Norte, Belgrano or Palermo, you can take any bus till Liniers –avenida Rivadavia and it’s intersection with Avenida General Paz. On the west side of Avenida General Paz take BUS 8 –YOU MUST ONLY TAKE BUS 8 WITH A RED SIGN INDICATING “AEROPUERTO”-. Once you enter to Ciudad Evita, ask the driver for Holiday Inn Hotel-El Mangrullo restaurant. Bus will leave you in front of estación de servicio SHELL. It could be a long way on a Sunday morning. You should calculate around one hour between waiting for the bus and arriving to the hash meeting point. You can also take bus 8, RED SIGN “AEROPUERTO” at any point of Avenida de Mayo or Avenida Rivadavia. Loooonger way. On Sundays drivers are really calm….

Shorter option, take bus 56 from Retiro to Ciudad Evita, at any of this points points: Avenida De Mayo 500-1500, Avenida Rivadavia 1500-1900, calle Combate De Los Pozos 1-300, calle Moreno 1900-3100, Avenida Independencia 300-4400. At the very end of the bus route you will find a plaza and a traffic circle with a newsstand. Walk 200 meters till Holiday Inn hotel-El Mangrullo Restaurant. We will be in front of Estación de Servicio SHELL.

By combi:

Take at the new combi’s station at 9 de Julio and Sarmiento Combi 7 DE AGOSTO, departing every 20 minutes, 35 pesos, 25 minutes to get to Ciudad Evita. Ask the driver to leave you at Puente 12, at the flowerpot’s shop –vendedor de macetas-. You should let me know in advance that you are taking the combi so we can go to pick you at this point.
Combi LA MEDALLA, leaves from the same point every hour, at 10 or 11 am, 40 pesos, takes around 20 minutes to get to Ciudad Evita and takes you DIRECTLY TO THE MEETING POINT. You should tell the driver to leave you at EL MANGRULLO. Call first just to be sure that they will take you there and that you will have a place.

What to bring: mug (you need that to drink the beer!), hash gear (far too many winter clothes being worn lately!), and don't forget MUG FOR THE BEER!

Hash fee: 40 pesos.

CONTACT: Headhunter 15 4179 8553 or Just Miguel 15 6039 9211

ON ON - Inspect Her Assets (still urling in the background!).....

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Hash #604 - Sunday 25th August, 2013 - The Mumbai Hash!

A taste of the exotic from your Hash this weekend as we get to #604 on the agenda for this Sundays Spicy Hash. With Kama Putra looking after everyone, this promises to be the hottest ticket in town this weekend, so don't miss out.

Here are the full details as supplied by KP to my good self - Much as I hate missing any Hash while I am back home, this one will be especially missed - ON ON - Inspect Her Assets.....

A very stylish Hollywood+Bollywood+Hot Curry hash

Hash #604 - The Mumbai Hash

"Alright!!! I guess I can´t escape anymore...........But I do need Drill My Hole to mark the trail." (( A quote from Kama Putra))..

Hosted by Kama Putra and Spice Up My Clit O'Rice, with hareing duties by Drill My Hole

We shall gather at 1100 and start run around 1130 on Sunday 25/08 from MUMBAI located at
HONDURAS 5684 between Fitz Roy & Bonpland.. that's in Palermo....

Buses 39, 111, 93, 108..

By car....Drive upto Av. Cordoba 5500, one block after crossing railway tracks, turn right in HUMBOLDT, 4 blocks later turn left in Honduras.

DO NOT bring Dishes, mugs, forks or Knives. I will have everything disposable, unless Hashers want to bring personal mugs for emotional reasons.

Do bring Hash gear for the run....

And definitely bring your Hash Fee of AR$40

We shall be expecting Tongue y Lingus back from her sojurn in the Emerald isle............

Kama Putra

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Hash #603 - SATURDAY, 10/08/2013 - Pre-election's pub hash


Get ready for Sunday's primary elections! The mis-management wants to go voting and undemocratically moved the hash from Sunday to Saturday afternoon. A hasher's hint for the election: Tick all the right boxes to keep everyone happy ;)

Start and finish will be at Breoghan's - our favourite beer bar. It will open its door just for us. The hash will be the last chance to have drinks on Saturday night: Bars & boliches will close  by 10ish (pm) on Saturday so that the Portenas & Portenos are sober for Sunday's elections.

Many thanks again to Breoghan's beer bar & brewing team for hosting!!!

Here are the details:

WHEN: Saturday, August 10th, 2013

TIME: 15:30 for 16:00

WHERE: Breoghan's Bar in San Telmo

HARES: Anal friendly & Drillmyhole

WEAR: Hash t-shirts

BRING: hash mug

HASH FEE: solo beer hash, about 20 ARS


BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Our favourite bar - you should find it blindly

BY CAR: Avenida Independencia left-hand turn into Bolivar; Touristy San Telmo 
                 is crowded at weekends and parking might be difficult

CONTACT:  Analfriendly     +54-911-3212 4561
                     Drillmyhole      +54-911-5914 4377

ONON - Drillmyhole

Monday, 29 July 2013

Hash Flash from #602 - Nicky's Burpday Hash

Here is a little slide show from yesterdays hash (28th July). Three newly named Hashers, and a great day out was had by all.


Saturday, 20 July 2013

Hash #602 - Sunday 28th July 2013 - Nicky's Burpday Hash!

A little early with the announcement this week for the hash on Sunday the 28th (NOT tomorrow!). There is a very good reason for this, as we head to Puerto Madero to celebrate Nicky, our Belgian harriette's, burpday in style, with a trail laid out by her good self, and then lots of down downs for the burpday girl. As she lives in one of those posh apartments is the new port, the circle will take place in her party room, and for this, the porteros require advance notice of who is coming - for security purposes. Now, please let us know in advance your intentions, so we can put a list at the door. Don't worry if you can't decide yet - I can guarantee the weather, but if you are even 20% thinking of coming, then let us know, it's better to be on the list and not come, than the other way around :)....

Here are the details:

WHEN: Sunday, July 28th, 2013

TIME: 11:00 for 11:30 am

WHERE: Meet at Juana Manso 1550, in front of Blake's coffee shop, Puerto Madero

HARE: Just Nicky the Burpday Girl

WEAR: Hash Gear

BRING: Mug for your beer, plate, knife and fork, AR$40 Hash Fee

HOW TO GET THERE: It's Puerto Madero - So make your way there from all points, and here is a map of the location - Best way is from Estados Unidos crossing.

View Larger Map

Contact - Just Nicky 1535933477

Inspect Her Assets

Monday, 15 July 2013

Hash Flash from #601...

Yes, this weekend past, we welcomed back old hashers, notably Ivor the Engine, Beautiful Bristols and The Hand of God, but great to see other old faces turning out for what seemed to be a wonderful Hash, taking in the sights of the Official Football Club of the Hash, Tigre (Ed's note - Shum mishtake shirley?... What about Racing y Boca?).

I've collated the numerous pictures taken during the day, and despite the winter weather, the parilla looked in good shape, and once again Windy Culo looked after everyone, even if he had to relinquish the cooking to Ivor...

On On to the next adventure....

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

This weeks Hash #601 - The old farts Cum back hash

Yes, you thought they had left us for good, but NO, they're back - For One hash only :) - Yes, Ivor the Engine, our ex-beloved GM, and his wonderful wife Beautiful Bristols, have decided to escape the glorious summer of Europe, and pay a visit back to the land of opportunities, or failing that Buenos Aires!

In fine hashing spirit they wanted to hare and host a "We're Back" Hash, and where better than to celebrate their trip back than at Windy Culo's abode up in Acasusso, strangely enough, the very abode they are B&Bing at. They promise a host of surprises, plenty of booze, a great trail, possibly a cigar or two, and certainly a wonderful time.

For those of you too young to remember, Ivor (known as Julian) and BB (Sharon) were the leading lights here in the BA Hash for many years, before they left for pastures new in Gran Canaria some 18 months ago.

Here are the details for everyone....

HARES Ivor the Engine & Beautiful Bristols

DATE SUNDAY 14th July, 2013



WHAT TO WEAR.... Hash Gear

COST $40 PESOS..... KIDS A Small Charge, they eat a lot!

THERE IS A POOL , but as it's winter, unless you are mad, it won't be in use.









Contact 15-5852-8509(Windy)

Friday, 28 June 2013

UPDATE for Hash #600 This Sunday

600th New Information
Bring something to take photos to share with the BAHHH – a camera or phone (a contest with a prizes is being planned)

Please be on time 11:00 to run at 11:30

WEAR HASH clothing (most of you have something you can wear) this is VERY important for the photos

DO NOT forget to bring a BOWL and SPOON if you want to eat and drinking vessel (something to drink from like a mug, cup, glass)

y en castellano........

600th nueva información
Tenga a la hora 11:00 salir a la 11:30

Traer algo para tomar fotos para compartir con el BAHHH – una cámara o teléfono (se está planificando un concurso con unos premios)

Use ropa de HASH (la mayoría de ustedes tiene algo puede llevar) esto es muy importante para las fotos
NO te olvides de traer una taza y una cuchara si quiere comer y beber vaso (algo que beber como una taza)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


WELCOME to the 600th drinking/running of the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers 


After the 20th anniversary in April 2013 another occasion comes up: just 599 hashes ago, a couple of drinking warriors christened the Buenos Aires Hash House harriers. To celebrate this occasion, OLD HAG & MR. MUM AND SHUFFLED AROUND will organise a special hash downtown Buenos Aires.

DO NOT BE LATE - WE ARE NOT USING CHALK so you may have trouble finding your way if you are not with the group

To practice your English: 
The weather is chilly so we are having a chili hash.  The chili will keep you warm inside.  The chili is American cowboy style not Chile style.

See you all SUNDAY, looking forward to having some spicy food!

WHEN: Sunday, June 30th, 2013 - 11:00 for 11:30


                 MEETUP SMALL FOUNTAIN
                 (green arrow on the map)





BY CAR: Parking Juncal, Maipu, Esmeralda

View Larger Map

BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Close to the Retiro Bus / Train Station

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:

Old Hag        15-6678-6221
Drillmyhole   15-5914-4377


Wednesday, 12 June 2013



This week’s hash will start be on Saturday so all those daddies can sleep in on their special day. It will start and end in Retiro (almost Recoleta), at Plazoleta Carlos Pellegrini (Libertad and Alvear).

The run will take you through the centre of the capital – taking you past overpriced homes and condos - home to the bold and the beautiful...or at least home to a number of plastic surgeons.

Just Kirk & Diablo are the hares, and will do their best to keep you guessing. This will also be a great run for anyone new to town as you are sure to pass by many iconic locations. The weatherman is calling for a high of 15 and sun!

After the run we’ll chow down at Just Kirk’s – it will be a tight fit, but it is conveniently located. (1160 Arroyo, dpto 6 contrafrente). When you enter use the elevator at the end of the hall.

See you all SATURDAY!

WHEN: Saturday, June 15 – 11:00 for 11:30

HARES: Just Kirk & Diablo

WHERE: Recoleta/Retiro – Plazoleta Dr Carlos Pellegrini (Libertad & Alvear)




BY CAR: Look at a map

View Larger Map

BY BUS: You can figure it out

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:

Kirk (Just Kirk)           15-3934-4316
RA aka Drillmyhole   15-5914-4377


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

This weeks Hash # 598 - The Modality Hash. June 2nd


In the continuing absence of the GM and the old fart who used to be the RA, we continue our Hashing tour of Buenos Aires with a juxtapositional Hash to the cultural home of BA, La Boca, alongside the modern world of Puerto Madero. Head Hunter has joined forces with Blanka Wanka and Just Iberia to set her first ever trail here, and a cornucopia of pleasure for your enjoyment.

Highly recommended for those who are new in town, and strongly recommended for those who think that already know Buenos Aires neighborhoods and corners.

This hash will pass through some emblematic and hidden places of Barracas and La Boca, starting at cool Puerto Madero, following for some rustic, and not so dangerous on a Sunday morning, La Boca streets, to finish in Puerto Madero. During the trail we will see tourists, police, hooligans, more tourists, everything that La Boca can propose us on a Sunday.

Depending on volunteers lending their car’s trunk we could have one or two beer stops.

After the circle, you can either choose the BYOS modality – "Bring Your Own Sandwich" and eat with the group at sunny Puerto Madero- or we can arrange for some “choripán”, “milanesa sandwich” or “lomito sandwich” at Parrilla 29, located near the meeting point. Prices between 18 and 32 pesos for a take away sandwich. If you prefer to have lunch there, parrilla menu at your own choice.

WHEN: Sunday 2nd June – 11:00 for 11:30

HARES: Headhunter. With Blanka Wanka and Just Iberia assisting. Any beer advisor ????? Quite sure Drill My Hole will lend a guiding hand. Not really difficult. More worried about beer stops…

WHERE: Rosario Vera Peñalosa y Julieta Lanteri, Puerto Madero -altura Paseo Colón y Estados Unidos/Ingeniero Huergo al 900/Alicia Moreau de Justo 1600-.

WHAT TO BRING: Beer Mug, Hash fee of AR$20. Your own sandwich if you prefer, or money to purchase a choripan..



You already know how to get to Puerto Madero, guys! Cross Rosario Vera Peñalosa bridge –altura Estados Unidos street-. Once you crossed it, first street by the river is Pierina Dealessi. Second street is Julieta Lanteri. Lots of places to park on a Sunday morning.

BY BUS: 8, 86, 152, 33, 61, 74, 93, 130, 143, 159, 195. Get down at Paseo Colón and Estados Unidos and walk around 600 meters Puerto Madero direction till the meeting point afeter crossing the bridge.

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:

Silvina (Headhunter): 15.4179.8553

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

This weeks hash #597 - Sunday May 19th, 2013.

Hi all, I may have left the nest and I am writing this from a suburb of Dublin, but I couldn't let you down, as I am already missing everyone. This week the Hash ventures into the far north, where maps may be needed, and in fact, it's so far north, you may be getting nosebleeds!

I have broken with tradition this week, and decided to post in Doon Doon's original Spanish (Ed's Note - That means he has forgotten his fluent Spanish already and can't translate!). I am trying to check what public transport will get you there, but in the meantime, those who are heading there with cars, can you offer lifts to those less mobile, either on Facebook, or by direct mailing.

Have a great time, and let me see the pictures next week....

Los invitamos a disfrutar del próximo BAHHH!!!!!
Será un hash prometedor!!
Esta vez nos trasladaremos a las afueras de la ciudad. Concretamente en la zona Norte
Será un hash de aventura, donde pasaremos por muy lindos barrios, pero también por barrancas, vías de tren (y no precisamente muertas...) algo de barro y sectores con mucho verde. Será un HASH DE AVENTURA!!!

Cuando? El próximo domingo 19 de mayo 2013

Donde? Nos encontraremos en la plaza situada en la Ruta 197 (Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen) y calle Chile. Esto es a 8 cuadras de la Ruta Panamericana ramal Pilar/Campana en EL TALAR partido de TIGRE.

A que hora? A las 11:00. Hs (salimos a correr a las 11:30 hs).

Que llevar? Tu Mug, your Mug, tu vaso o copa para tomar birra!!! No olvidar!! Pero NOOOO OLVIDAAARRRR EL MUG PARA BEBER CERVEZA!!!!!! ok?
Llevar tambien remera de BAHHH, zapatillitas, repelente de mosquitos, traje de baño, ojotas, la pelela y el pijama.#

Hash Fee: $ 40. Los niños pagan solo $10.-

COMO LLEGAR?: En auto hay que tomar la Ruta Panamericana ramal Pilar Campana. Tomar la salida que dice RUTA 197. Tomar la Ruta 197 hacia la derecha. Ahí se llama Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen. Siguen por la Avenida, unas ocho cuadras aproximadamente y al llegar a la calle CHILE encontrarán la plaza en su mano IZQUIERDA. En medio de la plaza hay un pequeño anfiteatro. AHI ES EL LUGAR!!!!
Luego les informaremos cómo llegar by train o colectivo. Ok?
De todas formas les recomendamos ir coordinando sus lifts!

Nada mas por hoy, los esperamos.....
Sus hares: Doon Doon y just Rubén.
On On

Inspect Her Assets

PS - Any problems on Sunday, don't call me :) :) :)

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

A Personal Note

Only a few hours away from getting on the plane and leaving Buenos Aires behind, at least for the time being. I just wanted to drop a line to thank everyone at the Hash for making my life here for the last three and a half years such a lot of fun.

Especial thanks go to Ivor the Engine and Footsie, the two GM's that were here during my time, and the Beer Masters who we couldn't live without, Doon Doon and Wire Me Baby, along with too many others to mention, without forgetting someone. Drill My Hole will bring a Germanic Order to the Hash over the next months, just treat him with respect, and laugh at his jokes, I may even send him some for future use.

Tongue y Lingus and myself wish you all a fond farewell, and see you soon, and if you are ever in Dublin, look us up.

ON ON - Inspect Her Assets...

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Hash Trash from the Palermo Chicas Hash

Another bright sunny day, and with our quintet of chicas having studied the streets of Palermo for many weeks, a well marked, well mapped trail was on the cards. It was also to be my own last hash here for a while, as Ireland is calling me, and to mark the occasion I managed to be late, arriving well after the pack had exited, but it did give me an excuse for a Starbucks.

So, in truth, I can't write much about the trail, except for the fact that everyone seemed to enjoy it, and the photographs are evident of that. Once everyone had returned, including Roger the Cabin Boy, who managed to get a free cholesterol test on the trail, the circle gathered together and copious amounts of beer were consumed by one and all.

Our new RA, Drill My Hole, managed to dash off before the circle to sign a contract, leaving yours truly to have one last hurrah, before departing these shores.

The photos are popped here for all to see, and ON ON to the next Hash, with full details here early next week.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Hash #596 - The Palermo Chicas Hash Sun 5th May 2013

Sincere apologies for the late posting of this weeks hash. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from Internet Shortcomings, and while I have tried to post this a few times, the system kept letting me down. The good news is, I hope, that this week sees Hash Number 596, and it's brought to you by a quintet of Chicas, and where else would chicas set a hash from but a shopping mall!!!!

So here are the details..... ON ON


Welcome to the Palermo Chicas Hash!

As you might expect from a Hash organised by a load of chicas, our Hash will pass through some of the loveliest and most fragrant parts of Palermo and Recoleta. We’ll be taking in the sumptuous sights of the elegant embassies, artistic art, pretty plazas, florally flowers, and so much more. Plus of course there will be beer!

Our Hash will start and finish at Plaza Perú, located next to the Paseo Alcorta shopping centre. After the circle, lunch can be purchased (own expense), at the food court, where you’ll be able to choose from a number of Michelin-starred eateries, including McDonald’s, Chinese Wok and Starbucks.

Depending on the weather, we could eat inside the food court or picnic in the Plaza. As this will be the R.A.’s last Hash in Buenos Aires for a while, we are confident of picnicking in blazing sunshine. Even though it will be May. No pressure, Liam! (Note from IHA - I handed the RA duties over to my protege, Drill My Hole, so all credit due can be given to him!)......

Anyway, enough of this crap, and on-on to the important stuff:

WHEN: Sunday 5th May – 11:00 for 11:30

HARES: Blanca Wanka, Just María, Just Yinna, Just Mary and Just Élida
HONORARY CHICAS: Drill My Hole (Trail Advisor) and Forest Drunk (Beer Advisor)

WHERE: República del Perú Square, Av. Figueroa Alcorta and Salguero, Palermo, Ciudad de Buenos Aires (opposite Paseo Alcorta Shopping Mall).

WHAT TO BRING: Beer Mug, Hash fee of AR$20

View Larger Map



From Downtown area: Head north on Av. 9 de Julio. At the Autopista Illia, continue on the right to stay on Carlos Pellegrini and turn left onto Av. Libertador. Continue onto Av. Figueroa Alcorta up to 3100 Salguero. Destination will be at the right. From northern suburbs area: Head downtown on Libertador, turn left onto Salguero up to 3100. From Boedo area: Head north on Colombres, continue onto Salguero up to 3100. Parking: There are free parking spaces on one side of the plaza.

BY BUS: 67, 102, 130. Buses to Av. Las Heras and Salguero (5-block walk): 10, 15, 37, 38, 41, 57, 59, 60, 64, 92, 93, 95, 108, 110, 118, 128, 141, 160, 188.

BY SUBTE: Line D, Scalabrini Ortiz station. Walk northeast along Scalabrini Ortiz up to Libertador. Turn right, and walk two blocks to Salguero. Turn left onto Salguero, and walk two more blocks. Plaza Perú is on Av. Figueroa Alcorta, across the road and slightly to the right.

ANY PROBLEMS please contact:

Just Maria 15-3183-5331
Blanca Wanka 15-2193-2262
Just Mary 15-44012506
Just Yinna 15-6925-4210
Just Elida 15-6692-9270


Girls team.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Photo Slideshow from the 20th Burpday Bash and Red Dress Run

Here are the collated pictures from the Red Dress Run

And here are the Pics from Sundays Burpday Run

Hash Trash - The 20th Burpday Bash

Well, it's the Thursday after and I think I've finally started to recover from the weekend that was, the BA HHH 20th Burpday Celebrations....

It all started on the Friday night, when Hashers started to arrive in town, and in Breoghan's Bar in San Telmo, for a few drinks and the intended Pub Crawl. The trouble was, that just as we were starting to think about crawling to another bar, someone else arrived, then a text message to say they were on their way, could we wait. Party Pants had the T-Shirts available for those that were present, and by the time the clock had ticked around to 11 o'clock, it didn't seem like a good idea to bother moving around the town, so we settled down and drank, laughed and lubed up for the main events.

Saturday morning saw the sun shining brightly (What a great RA!), and IHA, El Diablo and our visiting hasher up from Mar del Plata, Just Andrea, set off to lay trail for the Red Dress Run. Slight panic came upon us as we finished laying the trail at around 3:45 as there was no sign of life at Breoghan's, the meeting point, but 5 minutes later, the bar was open, and strange looking shapes started to arrive, bedecked in various shades of red, some pink, and one or two applying make up and their cheerleaders outfits - And then the Women turned up!

As we assembled, people took a drink to limber up, wandered out onto the street to wave at passing bemused bus passengers, and waited until the GM and the RA announced the welcome hare talk and set everyone off......

Immediately heading up in a mass of ever 60 red-decked hashers, much to the amusement of locals, withing a block Check was called - with a Booby Check at the first corner (They were all Booby Checks today - It was a Red Dress Run - we all had boobies!). Crossing Independencia, Cant's Say No was already worried we were heading past her apartment (we were!), and after three checks at the first three corners, we were heading back down Peru, and before Hashers could even start to sweat, a Beer Near sign had the front runners screaming to a half, before spotting the Beer Stop arrow pointing straight into the Gibraltar bar, where Beaver and Jenny had started pouring liquid refreshment for the, not so thirsty, hashers!

After a few minutes wondering how the hash had managed to droop into the bar, and dropping a swift half, it was back to the streets, and more checks. The hares had done a great job at keeping the pack together, and although there were one or two cries of "Oh God, Another Bloody Check", the pack was in good spirit. A quick dash, completely off trail, through the San Telmo market, saw the pack then run through Plaza Dorego, and then turn back, with even more checks, towards the centre of town. A jog down Venezuela, took the pack to Balcarce and the turn towards Plaza de Mayo...

Casa Rosada (Pinky Laid was excited!) loomed upon us, with another little check, before the Beer Near sign was spotted, and the pack settled in for the second Beer Stop right on Plaza de Mayo, in front of the Presidential Palace. Now, we were joined on the Plaza by the inaugaration of the new Archbishop of BA, with a crowd outside the cathedral, and also by the Police. We were approached by a local constabulary officer, who thought we might be some gay and lesbian cult who were about to gate crash the archbishops party, but we convinced him we were just a drinking club with a running problem, who liked dressing up in funny clothes, and he shrugged his shoulders and walked away! A wonderful rendition of Allouette, lead by Footise (See Video posted earlier), finished off the beer, and before we knew it, we were off to show our legs and dress sense to other unsuspecting Portenos!

The pack headed off towards Florida and Reconquista, before passing the venue for the dinner that night, and then heading down to Puerto Madero. The front runners were given the chance to get a little run in here, as the slower bodies eased back and enjoyed the interaction with tourists and locals alike. Forest Drunk was leading the conversations, while Anal Friendly was passing out the web site address to all who asked what the heck we were doing.

Gradually, as the sun set, the pack wormed their way back to Breoghan's and a welcome beer. Just Ramiro had brewed a Special Red Dress Ale for the occasion, which went down well, and the circle commenced with a welcome to our visiting hashers from Brazil and the US, and the large contingent from Uruguay, with a couple of virgins to add to the mix, who couldn't have picked a better day to start their hashing life.

Drill My Hole, Doon Doon, Footsie and Forest Drunk were looking cute in their little numbers, with IHA showing a very low cut cleavage, and Anal Friendly sporting a bikini top, although all agreed it looked much better on Blanka Wanker! The girls looked stunning in their little red numbers too, and great credit must go to everyone for getting into the spirit of the Red Dress Run and dressing accordingly. A Special toast was raised for Donna Rhinehart, the Original Lady in Red, who inspired the Red Dress Runs, who had sadly passed away last week, and Inspect Her Assets announced his resignation as RA, due to his imminent departure from BA, handing over the reigns to Drill My Hole, who will bring a new teutonic sense of style to the Hash!

Before you could draw your breath from the circle, we were off to the dinner - Many not changing out of their attire, and dinner, dancing, karaoke, more beer drinking, and a heck of a lot of fun took place, well into the early hours of Sunday morning. I could write more here, but I prefer to protect the innocent, although I will mention Windy Culo, as he managed to miss the run, most of the circle, arrived in time for the dinner, and then fell asleep as we partied around him!

On Sunday, amazingly, over 40 hashers managed to recover in time to head to Palermo, and the actual 20th Burpday run, from the same spot that the Very first Hash took place, back on April 23rd, 1993. The run took us around the lakes of Palermo, with sore legs & sore heads being the feelings expressed by many. The legs were sore from all the dancing on Saturday night, and I have no idea why people had sore heads. It was great to see nearly everyone in our 20th Burpday Red T-Shirts, and the circle took place with more bemused on lookers wondering what we were up to. The story of the weekend.

A great weekend, and I will post a separate album of the best pictures accumulated from the thousands taken by everyone. In the meantime, that's the 20th Burpday over, runs 594 and 595, and if you are good at Maths, you can see that we are approaching hash #600 very soon, so no sooner one party over, before we gear up for another one. Such is the life of Hashing.


Monday, 22 April 2013

First Look at the Red Dress Run

I know you will all be waiting for an excellent Hash Trash, and one will follow in the next few days - But just to get you started, here is a Video shot by our friends in Uruguay for your delight....

Friday, 19 April 2013

Directions for Meeting Up on Sunday

For those who will be sobering up on Sunday morning, ingrain the following information for Sunday and the meeting point for the Burpday Run :)-

12 for 12.30 run... Meet at the Estacion Saludable, at the top of the lake aside the Campo Municipal de Golf, at the corner of Av Valentin Alsina and Av Pres Figueroa Alcorta in Belgrano/Palermo.

If you take the train (Tigre line from Rtiro), get off at Lissandro de la Torre, head to the water side, turn left and follow the golf course on your right hand side, around to the meeting point.

Any problems, call me on 15 5809 4939

Inspect Her Assets (Liam)....

The map below shows the general area, the Estacion Saludable is at the top of the lake, before "Andres Bello" - It's Yellow!

View Larger Map

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Red Dress Run Weather Forecast

As we all know, it's Red Dress Run time on Saturday afternoon, and I have checked with him/her upstairs, and you will be delighted to note that the forecast is for bright sunny weather, and 25 degrees, so maybe an off the shoulder number :)


Don't forget - RED DRESS RUN, means wear a RED DRESS :) :) :)

Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Burpday Bash Details.

BAHHH 20th Burpday Bash

April 19/21/21st 2013 – The 20th Anniversary of the BA HASH

You are cordially invited to the 20th Burpday Bash for the BA Hash House harriers, the drinking club, with a running problem. Started in April 1993 by a motley crew of athletes (or drinkers!), we celebrate in style the 20th Anniversary with a Burpday Bash to end all Burpday Bashes.

Itinerary for the weekend:

Friday 19th – 8:30 pm – Hash Bar Crawl. Starting at Breoghans Bar, Bolivar 860, San Telmo, in conjunction with Frinking Buenos Aires. (This is a pay your own way night, not included in the Hash Fee).

Saturday 20th 4pm for 4:30 Run – The 20th Burpday Red Dress Run. Starting from Breoghans Bar and taking in the sites of Buenos Aires, or we will be the sites of BA for today!

Circle, Beer, Red Dress Ale

Followed by the Burpday Party – Full Meal, all the beer (or softies) you can drink until 2 in the morning, from 8:30pm at Angostura Bistro at Lavalle 400 on the corner with Reconquista.

Sunday 21st 12 Noon for 12:30 run
– The 20th Burpday Hash from the very same place that the 1st Hash started from. Circle, Beer – Picnic in the park (the food will be at your own expense, approx. AR$25, on the day, if you want any).

Hash Fee for Saturday & Sunday: AR$160 in advance, AR$200 on the day.
Payment can be made to the GM Dusan 4702 0208, myself Liam, or Mary Ann 15 6678 6221 in advance. Payment can be made at the Hash in Quilmes this Sunday, April 7th. Note, numbers are limited, so if you wait until the day, there is no guarantee that the restaurant can feed you! Be warned….. Restaurant and party room have limited capacity. (Email Liam3494@gmail.com with questions)

What’s Included: Two Hash Runs, Saturday and Sunday, Circle at both with Hash Beer to fill your bellies. A Special Pint of Red Dress IPA on the Saturday after the Red Dress Circle (more can be bought!), especially brewed for us by Ramiro, Head BrewMaster at Breoghan’s Bar. Full Meal on Saturday night, softies and beer included all night (until2am), with DJ and Party Games . Commemorative T-Shirt for the 20th Burpday!

Your GM 2013, Footsie, Your RA 2013, Inspect Her Assets

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Next Hash #593 - Sunday 7th April - Quilmes Curry Hash

Yes it's time again to venture out of Capital to the beautiful south!
It's the Quilmes Curry Hash again!

Thanks to the culinary delights of Just Jo and Simple Simon we'll be enjoying a delicious, spicy curry after the usual quality beer and enthusiastic running/walking...

Date: Sunday 7th April
Time 11am for an 11.30 start
Place: Jo and Simon's House, St George's College, 800 Guido, Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires
Bring $40, hash mug and hash t-shirt, bowl, fork and spoon

We'll be starting and finishing the run at the school, at Jo and Simon's house on site. When you come in the main entrance on Guido, explain you're with the Hash and are going to the Robert's House.
If coming by car you can park in the car park near the Pavilion, the house is next door. If you have space in your car please let other hashers know?

By car: take the La Plata autopista, turn off at km 20, Quilmes and follow the road to the right to Brandsen. See the attached map for details.

View Larger Map

You can take the 159 bus from in front of the Post Office in capital and get off in Brandson, walking down 3 blocks. Or take the train from Constitution (30 minutes), get off in Quilmes and take a taxi to the school, about $18.

Hope to see many of you on Sunday!
Take care

Pussy Galore, Simple Simon and Just Jo
Tel no: 15 65697802

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Three Weeks Until The Red Dress Run

Yes, three weeks today the streets of Buenos Aires will wonder what hit them, when, as part of the 20th Burpday Bash, the BA Hash House Harriers run their Red Dress Run. Saturday April 20th, at 4pm, from Breoghans Bar in San Telmo, we will hoist up our petticoats and shock the city!

To add to the fun, Ramiro from Breoghans has cooked up a Special RED DRESS IPA for the hashers, which will be launched after the circle, but only available for those who are wearing their Red Dress on the day.

So, all you Hashing Fasionista's, check out your wardrobes, head to the stores, and get your best Red Dresses, and YES, that means you GUYS! Don't be shy, you know it's all in the best possible taste!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Hash Trash - El Tano #592

After the excesses and greenery of the Paddy's Day Hash, it was a more sober,(Ed's Note - Not for long!), group of Hashers that headed down to Avellaneda last Sunday for the El Tano Meat Feast Hash.

The weather was perfect, as usual, and the crowd gathered nice and early to follow the trail laid by Inspect Her Assets and El Diablo, with the expectation of a parilla after the run. Salivating hashers were joined by journalists from Para Ti magazine, who were writing an article on the Meet Up Social Network, which the Hash uses to supplement our advertising. I'm not sure the journalists quite understood what we were about, but the photographer certainly enjoyed himself, even if he did refuse a beer - TWICE!

The Pack set off at 11.30 on the dot, as were on a tight deadline to make the restaurant. Numerous checks and false trails in the first few minutes kept the pack together, with around 12 runners and 20 walkers making up the numbers. Too many stops for pictures were making the RA impatient (Ed's Note - He is a bossy sod at times!), and with the pack stringing out, a decision was taken at the Beer Stop to modify the On In for the Wimps. BUT, not before the entire pack had to pass El Tano, with racks of Asado being cooked, visible to the runners as they slowed to enjoy the smell of roasting meat, and then sprinting on, so they could get back to eat a little later.

The runners passed the iconic Estadio Presidente Peron, or El Cilindro, home of the best football team in Argentina, Racing Club de Avellandea, (Ed's Note - A Little bias there me thinks!), before heading into the town centre,across the Plaza Alsina, and heading back homeward. Meanwhile, the Wimps had been officially sanctioned to take a shortcut, otherwise they might have starved to death, and arrived at the ON-IN before the runners, and the RA managed to conduct the fastest Circle ever seen in BA, although, again, not sure the journalists quite knew what was going on, the same could be said for a lot of other people.

Then it was off to El Tano, with the runners just about making it back as the walkers set off to the restaurant. 29 for dinner, with only a couple of people leaving before dinner, and WHAT a dinner was served up. Plate after plate of meat arrived in front of us all. Salads, chips, you name it, it was there. Bottles of wine, beer for some, and softies, were all in plentiful supply, and just when you thought you had seen enough meat - more came. We sang Happy Birthday to Wire Me Baby, in Spanish, and in Hash, and I seem to recall a "clean" Hash Song was also sung, to the amusement of the packed restaurant.

Ice Cream followed the meat, and then buckets of Champagne appeared on the tables, and toasts were made. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the meal, although I think it fair to say, that for some, even with the biggest appetites, there was simply too much! But, if you thought that the hash ended there, you would be wrong, as most of the diners returned to Tongue y Lingus and yours truly's home, and we proceeded to hold a much more intense circle up on the roof terrace.

Numerous down downs were introduced, with our visitors, Cock a Doodle Dick and Cat in Heat from Guyana welcomed in style, along with new to BA hashing Just Sarah also getting the customary welcome. Just Sarah's boyfriend had also been "at the restaurant", via Skype from New York, and he looked totally bemused by everything. Milestones were announced for El Diablo reaching 50, and Just Delfina and Alison with One L reaching their 10th runs - Naturally we decided to give our two decimals Hash names, and Just Delfina became Old Fag, while One L, was Hashtized Blanca Wanka.

And so another Hash came to a conclusion, with this one going on much longer than most, with hopefully everyone leaving with a full tummy, and having had a great day out.

Onwards to the next hash, down in Quilmes on April 7th, hared by Simple Simon and Pussy Galore, with Just Jo assisting too. Having had two "Event" Hashes in the last 7 days, the long weekend for Easter will be a welcome break, and time to recover, in time for Quilmes!

Pictures from the El Tano Hash are here for your pleasure, or otherwise!

#592 El Tano