Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Hash Trash - # 541 - It's Quilmes - The place, not just the beer!

A group of reasonably hardy hashers, (the locals and the wimps reckoned it was cold), gathered in the Plaza Bicentenario in Quilmes for the 541 BAHHH outing.

Once underway the pack headed in the direction of the railway station and the first wimp/macho split - the machos proceding towards capital until an unofficial crossing of the railway line, after which they ran a further 8 blocks before catching up with the wimps as they passed the mural depicting the hardships experienced by the Kilme people. Shortly thereafter there was a second macho/wimp split, with the machos enjoying the ascent and descent over the road bridge, only to find that they had to repeat the process on the other side of the bridge, whilst there were a few wry smiles amongst those FRBs that enjoyed this diversion, it served to allow the wimps to catch up.

A short run later and the pack was running alongside the Quilmes (or should it be "Kill Me") 'beer' factory until they reached the mid point and were faced with a check. The true trail took the pack into Villa Argentina, a rather attractive group of houses that were built for the brewery workers years ago. Once through the Villa, the pack rolled into Parque Cervecero, where the first beer stopped allowed for some slacking of thirst (or was it Pussy Galore's attempt at poisioning the pack, by the supply of Quilmes beer?)

After a quick circuit of the playing fields, the pack continued on its way and found the last macho/wimp split. The machos continued south and were then faced with hordes of Quilmes Athletic football fans and a slightly smaller number of Riot Police.....the latter insisting on the pack diverting off trail to avoid the fans. It was at this point that the GM realised that two of the pack were missing - Red Hot Chili and Foxy Lady. A search party (just a small one as there were only 6 running the macho section) was despatched to track the lost members down. The search proved to be futile as RHC and FL duly appeared after having taken advantage of the Province's generosity and decided to enjoy a free flu jab! Once the search party had found its way back, and after briefly having the trail blocked by the arriving Boca Juniors team coach and associated police escort, the pack continued on to the Parque adjacent to the National Hockey Stadium and the checkback, which marked the turn around point of the course.

Heading homeward, we were further delayed by a couple of member's hunger and their need to have a choripan stop. Hunger satisfied the pack picked up the pace and made it to the second beer stop, where thirsts were sated before the final romp home.

The circle was kept fairly short but acknowledged the hares for their sterling efforts (no bias at all here!!), Just Ian/Griff (from NZ) and Just Martin (from USA) were introduced as virgins, and there were down downs for such as child abuse, eating on the hash and others that momentarily slip the author's mind (or maybe the alcohol on the day blotted them out?!?),

At the time of writing there were still no hares for the next hash so no announcement could be made. ( edit! - We have now - see next post - San Isidro!)

The hares: Pussy Galore, Peggy, Qualified Seaman and Ian/Griff

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