Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Next Hash # 564 - If You go down to the Woods Today.....

Yes folks, it's time to head out of the Urban Jungle, and take in a Hash in the countryside, which is where the Hash started, in the real jungles of Malaysia back in the days. Well, we may not have jungle here, but we certainly do have a wonderful location for a Hash out near Ezeiza Airport. We appreciate that some Hashers may not have access to transport, but Car Sharing is plan, and anyone who can offer lifts, if you can post here for others to contact - we would all be grateful. If there is a group of 4, why not club together for a Remis, it will be worth it, this is a HASH NOT TO MISS,

Sadly, I am still lying flat on my back, but thankfully, slowly getting better, and I won't be able to make it out on Sunday, but that shouldn't stop you all enjoying yourself. Now, Doon Doon sent me the details in what I believe to be castellano, although I am not 100% sure - so I have done my best to translate into English and here goes...

WHEN: Sunday, March 11th, 2012

HARES: Doon Doon and Good Service

TIME: 11:00 for 11:30 Promptish.....

WHERE: The Bosques of Ezeiza... Pica de Buenos Aires

HOW TO GET THERE: (In Castellano).. Deben tomar la autopista Richieri en dirección al aeropuerto Ezeiza. A la altura del kilometro 25 tomar la salida que dice Balnearios. Una vez que salieron mantenerse sobre su derecha. Ojo que a los 200 metros hay una bifurcación a la izquierda! Seguir derecho salames! Seguir hasta cruzar por un pequeño puente sobre un arroyo. El meeting point se encuentra justo después del puente, frente a un puesto/quiosco. Ya llegaron salames!!!

(In English).... You don't need it in English, you all speak much better Spanish than I do, and even I can understand the Castellano!

WHAT TO BRING: Hash Mug, Hash T-Shirt, Hash Fee of AR$25, OFF (There will be mossies), Towel, and possibly another pair of shoes - There will be SHIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!

A FINAL WORD FROM DOON DOON: Tendremos un run espectacular! No se pierdan esto! Ríos de cerveza corren por los bosques de Ezeiza!
Para los que no tienen auto vayan coordinando sus traslados!
Para los que no tengan ganas de tomar cerveza... Ni aparezcan!
No habrá problemas para estacionar sus lujosos vehículos
No habrá problemas para traer a sus mascotas
Hagan lo que quieran!
Me cansaron. On on!

Seriously - This will be a fantastic Hash in the woods and open countryside - If you have only ever Hashed in the Urban areas around BsAs, this is definitely one NOT to miss - Well, worth the effort of getting out there, I can guarantee. Have fun - ON ON -


  1. Hi HHHs,

    I was wondering if there are some spots left in a car. I live close to the Facultad de Medicina Subte station but I can meet to another place.


  2. Can anybody give a a lift tomorrow, please call me on 15 3631 3600. I´m from the highest Hash in the world (La Paz, Bolivia) for 2 days in BA and don´t want to miss it!

