Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Thursday, 25 June 2015

hash #653 - The Winter Hash - Sunday June 28th, 2015

After a little break to recharge batteries and celebrate father's Day, it's back to hashing, and always a highlight of the hash Year, the Winter Hash, hosted by Mr Mum & Old Hag. It may be chilly, but remember, it's not Chile! So, get down and hash with the best Hash in the whole of Buenos Aires (OK, that's not too hard, but you get the drift!)....

When: 28 June 2015 – Sunday
Time: 11:00 to run at 11:30

Location: Retiro / Plaza San Martin area (city center)
The small fountain at corner of Esmeralda and Arenales


Parking: Maipu, Arenales, and Juncal

Train or Bus: Go to Retiro and walk up Maipu to the Park

Bring: Mug, Bowl, Spoon!

Wear: Winter Hash Gear and Umbrella

Cost: 70 pesos

Hares: Mr. Mum, Old Hag

The weather forecast for Sunday is for COLD AND WET, bring an Umbrella.
Liam will NOT be here to guarantee good weather, it is probably wet in Ireland too. (Ed's Note: Actually its 22 degrees in Dublin, and sunny, at least it is for the next 5 minutes!)....

On, On,
OH & Mr. M

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hash # 652 - The Zorete Hash - Sunday, June 7th, 2015


And again out of the city. This time we head to Zarate.
Our Tiger´s Ass is very creative: again to the river side.

When: Sunday June 7th at 11 am to run at 11:30

Where: Zarate

Hares: Ass of the Tiger 1559588282
Morticia in the Bush 1562382315

How much: $30.-

What to bring: Hash mug, hash t-shirt.

Those having place in the vehicle, please offer it via this email or Facebook

How to arrive
Panamericana ramal Escobar. Pasar Campana y seguir 9 kilometros aproximadamente. Tomar a la derecha hacia Zarate.
Seguir 4 kilómetros hasta la rotonda y girar a izquierda: entrada de Zarate.
Seguir derecho hasta el centro. Buscar la calle Rivadavia. Bajar hasta costanera.
Doblar a la derecha. Hacer 800 metros por la costanera hasta el Mirador.
El.restorán es bien visible ya que es el único.

Comeremos hamburguesa, milanesa, tartas completas por 40 $.
Si llueve nos joderemos. Pero hay un restaurante por 60$ el menú