Welcome to BAH3

Yes, you've found it, the definitive place for the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, a drinking club, with a running problem. Take a look around, see what you like, and hopefully come and join us for a run/walk/drink, whatever your fancy may be. We don't bite, well, maybe one or two might, but don't let that put you off. Hashes take place every two weeks, usually on a Sunday, so check out the Next Run details, and come along... ON ON

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hash # 652 - The Zorete Hash - Sunday, June 7th, 2015


And again out of the city. This time we head to Zarate.
Our Tiger´s Ass is very creative: again to the river side.

When: Sunday June 7th at 11 am to run at 11:30

Where: Zarate

Hares: Ass of the Tiger 1559588282
Morticia in the Bush 1562382315

How much: $30.-

What to bring: Hash mug, hash t-shirt.

Those having place in the vehicle, please offer it via this email or Facebook

How to arrive
Panamericana ramal Escobar. Pasar Campana y seguir 9 kilometros aproximadamente. Tomar a la derecha hacia Zarate.
Seguir 4 kilómetros hasta la rotonda y girar a izquierda: entrada de Zarate.
Seguir derecho hasta el centro. Buscar la calle Rivadavia. Bajar hasta costanera.
Doblar a la derecha. Hacer 800 metros por la costanera hasta el Mirador.
El.restorán es bien visible ya que es el único.

Comeremos hamburguesa, milanesa, tartas completas por 40 $.
Si llueve nos joderemos. Pero hay un restaurante por 60$ el menú

1 comment:

  1. Butthead here from the putian china hhh. I could use a ride to the start from the recoleta area. Anyone got space?! On on
